Hot SheetNortel Ethernet Routing Switch 8300Leading enterprises are now seekinga different approach to networking,one that delivers increased availability,performance, security and intelligence.The most effective way of deliveringagainst these targets is to have a solutionthat provides all the essential elements inone seamless platform; enter the EthernetRouting Switch 8300 from Nortel.The Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 (ERS8300) is a chassis-based LAN Switch thatprovides high-density Ethernet connec-tivity both at the network edge (Access)and in the Core. There are two chassisoptions — a 10- and a 6-slot, each withtwo slots that are reserved for the SwitchFabric/CPU modules (minimum of one,and maximum of two). With up to eightslots available for I/O modules, the ERS8300 can support up to 400 ports ofGigabit Ethernet or 68 ports of 10Gigabit Ethernet.The Switch offers industry-leadingconvergence-friendly features, portdensity and Network Access Controlsecurity capabilities. The ERS 8300 hasbeen designed to support enterprise-classconvergence deployments where relia-bility, performance and security are ofparamount importance.Ethernet Routing Switch 8300Hot features• Versatile solution for the mid-tierenterprise Core or a high-performancesolution for the enterprise wiring closet• Unique always-on application avail-ability delivered by Nortel’s SwitchClustering technology• Flexible solutions enabled viaBGP-Lite and VRF-Lite for virtualizedIP Routing• Simplified, automated optimizationof application performance via NortelAutomatic QoS• Delivers high-density 10G, Gigabit,10/100 and 10/100/1000 Ethernet,with optional Standard-based Powerover Ethernet (PoE)• Includes integrated uplinks — toconserve slots and save money• Supports large-scale convergencedeployments of IP telephony, unifiedcommunications and wireless LANmobility• Offers enhanced network securitywith access control and host integritychecking via Nortel’s Secure NetworkAccess (SNA)