Page 19 of 96MICB Release 3 User GuideFigure 9Installation Wizard: Define First User6 Select Dual Card Meeting and define the parameters for dual-cardmeetings. The Dual Card Meeting window opens as shown in Figure 10on page 21.a In the IP address of secondary card field, enter the IP address ofthe secondary card.b In the Conference access number field, enter the DN for thedual-card meeting. Callers will dial this number to access thedual-card meeting.c In the Chairperson number in primary card field, enter thechairperson DN for the dual-card meeting. The chairperson uses thisnumber to access the dual-card meeting.d In the Transfer number field, enter the DN that the MICB uses totransfer calls from the primary card to the secondary card. Thesystem hides this number from end users.e In the Link number field, enter the DN that the MICB uses to createa voice path between both cards. The system hides this number fromend users.