14 of 24 Release NotesINM Broadband Release 3.1 Issue 1.0the client side and updates the Management Server List incorrectly bydeleting the server from the Controller List.2 After a connection is dropped from the preferred Direct Server, thereluctant promoted INM can potentially use all the available connectionslots at the Controller and lock-out the preferred Direct server. In otherwords, when a client is promoted, and if the maximum direct connectionsto the Controller has been attained, then it will not be bumped out by aserver which has been initially configured to have a direct connection tothat Controller. The GNE user will have to decommission some of thereluctant promoted connections, in order to free some slots at theController.3 If a reluctantly promoted controller is deleted from the list of controllers,the GNB/GNE may exit unexpectedly. To avoid this problem the usershould wait until the promoted controller demotes, or edit the controller tobe monitored directly, save, and then delete the controller.4 When importing large numbers of controllers in the GNE that result in verylarge numbers of network elements (e.g. more than 1000 NEs) being addedto a single network window, sometimes the scroll bar will “jump” so thatthe new network elements are not visible after they are added. Note that inthis situation, the new network elements have still been successfully addedto the window. It is just that they are not visible after being added like theynormally are because the scroll bar is not positioned at the very bottom ofthe window. This problem might also occur in the GNB when largenumbers of network elements are added. It will not always be obvious thatnew network elements have been successfully added to a network windowwhen more than 1000 network elements are added at once. This may causesome initial confusion about where the new network elements are or maycause the GNE user to believe that the operation has failed for somereason. If this situation occurs, drag the scroll bar of the window in whichthe network elements were added to the very bottom of the window. Thenew network elements should then be visible.5 Indirect MOAs show MOA software load in the Software +Bridge listinstead of the NE release (eg. MOA04BI is displayed instead of OC3 MOAREL 2.0).3. Problem Analyzer1 The OC-48 High Power Transmitter and OpAmp Line and Section alarmsare not supported on this release of the Problem Analyzer. OC-48 HighPower Transmitter and OpAmp Line and Section alarms do not generateproblems on the GNB. Problems may be generated on the primary OC-48cards instead of being pin-pointed to the HPTX or OpAmp cards.4. Partitioned Access1 If a GNB is displaying a view with at least one excluded and suspendedNE, resuming alarm reporting on one of those network elements will causethe GNB’s status icon to change from the green checkmark to the yellow