Release Notes for INM 4.1 Building Blocks 23 of 32INM Release 4.1 Release Notes Issue 1.06. FMBB (Fault Management Building Block)1 The tmn_get_attr operation on the FMBB Alarm log monitor does notsuccessfully filter on a ManagedObjectClassId Attribute. All alarms arereturned.2 When the Notify Me Of Alarm and Notify Me Of Events conveniencefunctions are run simultaneously, their pull supplier interfaces are notnecessarily both evicted, after the 45 minutes time out, as they should be.However, when the conveniences are run one at the time, this problem doesnot occur.7. RMBB (Resource Management Building Block)1 For inventory operations: the result of the operation returns an incorrectmessage when there is an error in the attributes list. In other words, theGetListErrorType does not make sense to the user.2 For inventory operations: the availabilityStatus is one of the attributes of acircuit pack that will reflect the state of the circuit pack. This attributecurrently returns a value of “notInstalled” for the provisioned and presentcircuit pack.3 If the tmn_get operation is executed with a BaseObject Scope targeting amanagedElement (NE) and a valid filter, a CORBA exception is raisedinstead of a CmiseError, which should be the case.4 If the User Label is set on an In Service electrical Bidirectional TTP, a logmessage and error is generated, even though the operation is successful.5 A scoped TTP operation (tmn_set or tmn_get) that targets all optical TTPson an NE will only pick up the OC-12 facilities (not OC-3 or OC-48).6 RMBB will hang indefinitely if a TTP ProxyAgent is removed while someof its control monitor operations are still ongoing. Any attempts to stop orreconfigure the Building Block will result in a state of “Reconfiguring...”or “Stopping...” indefinitely. Any operations against the Building Blockwill not be functional.8. PMBB (Performance Management Building Block)1 If a client performs an operation on the PMBB that takes a long time, andthen if the user deactivates the PMBB ProxyAgentFactory interface fromthe AMGUI before the output is sent to the client, then the system will gointo a hanging state.2 PMBB does not report Protection Switching Statistics for AccessNodeNEs and OC-3 half height cards in the OC-48. The FMBB needs thoseProtection Switch Ids to get the notifications on those Protection Switches.In addition, the FMBB_PSC (Protection Control Building Block) alsoneeds those Protection Switching Ids in order to be able to invokeprotection switches.3 The first response of a PM iterator is always empty. The user should lookat the result starting with the second response.