Network Wide Backup & Restore Planning Guide Rel 1.0 Standard July 1999viiAbout this document 0This document describes the Network Wide Backup & Restore supported byINM. Network Wide Backup & Restore is a software application that allowscustomer to manage network wide controller backups, which can be used toaid in network restoration after catastrophic hardware failure.This software application provides the ability to centralize and automatebackup of Network Element database and Subnetwork Controllerconfiguration data onto an INM server.Audience for this documentThis planning guide is for the following audience:• strategic and current planners• provisioners• transmission standards engineers• network administratorsReferencesThis document references the following Nortel Networks technicalpublications (NTP) and other documentation:• INM Planning Guide, PG OC 98-15• INM Installation and Administration User Guide, 450-3101-201• Network Wide Backup & Restore User Guide, 450-3101-031Technical support and informationNortel Networks maintains Integrated Network Management (INM) supportcenters in North America and the United Kingdom (UK). Based on thelocation from which your account is managed, refer to one of the followingsections.