46 System software maintenanceStep Action1 At the server (host server), insert the MCG 3100 software CDinto the CD-ROM drive.2 Log on to the server as nortel.3 Locate the MCG 3100 software on the CD and run the followingcommand:appinstall4 Enter the root password.5 If you are prompted to remove a previous installation, enter Y(Yes) to confirm the deletion.6 If you are prompted to perform a reinstall (1) or an upgrade (2),press Enter to accept the default value (2).The application RPM files are installed in the /opt/mobilitybasedirectory.7 Read the Nortel software license agreement.8 To agree to the license agreement, enter YES9 For a redundant server implementation, repeat Step 1 to Step8 on the second server.--End--Procedure 13Upgrading the MCG 3100 system software from the WebATTENTIONYou must have access to the Nortel Enterprise Solutions PEP Library (ESPL)and you must know the MCG 3100 root password to perform the followingprocedure.ATTENTIONIf you have previously installed an SU, you must remove it before installing anew SU. For more information, see Procedure 14 “Removing an SU” (page 48)Step Action1 From an internet-connected computer, connect tohttp://www.nortel.com/espl.2 After logging in, read the warning and then click Click Here.3 Scroll to the Communication Server 1000 / Meridan 1 PEP Toolssection, locate the Patching Reference for CS 1000 Release 5.0Systems, and click Click Here beside the entry.Nortel Mobile Communication 3100 Series PortfolioNortel Mobile Communication Gateway 3100 Installation and UpgradesNN42030-300 02.03 Standard9 May 2008Copyright © 2007, 2008 Nortel Networks.