20 1.6.0 Release Notes for Remote Gateway 9100 Series and RLCStandard 1.0Known problems in this releaseThis section describes known problems with this release and suggests solutionsto these problems, if solutions are available.M3902 digital telephone sets connected to Remote Gateway 9150units connected to CS 1000 PBXs have display irregularities insurvivable mode (Q00352179)When CS 1000 PBXs go into survivable mode, M3902 digital telephone setsconnected to Remote Gateway 9150 units connected to these PBXs reactabnormally. These digital telephone sets temporarily present abnormal messagesin their telephone set displays.RLC maintenance LED stays off when RLC is disabled using DISScommand in Load 32 on CS 1000 PBXs (Q00352255)Maintenance LEDs on RLCs installed in CS 1000 PBXs do not respondproperly to the Load 32 (LD32) command, Disable Shelf (DISS). The LED isoff, or dark, when the RLC is operating correctly. The LED’s being on, or lit,usually indicates that the RLC is disabled or experiencing some sort of aproblem. When the maintenance LED remains off after you enter the DISScommand, enter the Disable Card (DISC) command for that card.Configuration Wizard displays Error: 1250 - Invalid Command(Q00541393)After you re-set the configuration of a Remote Gateway 911x series unit,altering the unit's configuration with the Configuration Wizard results in thefollowing error: 1250 - Invalid Command. After re-setting the configuration of aRemote Gateway 911x series unit, you must re-enter the configuration manually.