19Information qualityThe Nortel Secure Router 4134 customer documentation uses threedesignations to indicate the quality verification level for the information.Each designation indicates the quality testing level that the documentationhas passed.The quality designation is also an indication of how the documentation isreleased.The three quality designations are• "Draft" (page 19)• "Preliminary" (page 19)• "Standard" (page 19)Draft Draft quality of the document is verified by development. Draft information isconsistent with the design intent of the service or feature. Sometimes, Draftdocumentation is released to customers for early trials and demos.Preliminary Preliminary quality of the document is verified by the product support andproduct verification organizations. Procedural information passes testing onhardware and software. Preliminary information is released to customers forthe purposes of trials and demos.Preliminary status is cumulative. A document must achieve Draft statusbefore it can achieve Preliminary.Standard Standard quality of the document is verified by product line management.All information is consistent with market positioning and support.Standard information is generally available and considered as the officialdocumentation for the release.Nortel Secure Router 4134Documentation RoadmapNN47263-103 01.01 Standard10.0 16 July 2007Copyright © 2007, Nortel Networks.