- 8 -HOT WATER OPERATION1. Fill fuel tank with 4,3 gallons of #l or #2 Diesel.2. Be sure trigger gun is locked in the “OFF” position and remove the nozzle/wand assembly.3. Turn the unit on by pushing the pump switch on the control panel. Once the unit starts, squeezethe trigger gun “ON” for 2 minutes to purge all air and mineral deposits from the system.4. Turn the pump switch to “OFF” position, release the trigger gun and lock in the “OFF” position.Connect the nozzle-wand assembly to the gun assembly. To ensure you are in the high pressuremode, turn the nozzle to the right.5. Turn the pump switch to “ON” position, turn the burner knob located on the control panel to“ON” (position 1) Squeeze the trigger gun to spray, burner only fires when the trigger is squeezed.6. The unit is now ready to be used as a hot water pressure washer. Squeeze the trigger-gun to spraya high pressure stream, and release the trigger to stop the stream.7. Cool down the heat exchanger by turning the burner knob “OFF” (0 position). Allow unit to runwith trigger in the squeezed, “ON” position for at least 3 minutes.NOTE:On initial startup, water will begin turning hot in 30 seconds, reaching maximum temperature in 3 minutes withtrigger squeezed. Burner stops firing when the trigger is released or when water exceeds the temperature setting.! CAUTION!EXPOSED METAL EXHAUST OUTLET AND HOSECONNECTIONS DURING HOT OPERATION ARE EXTREMELYHOT!