North Star 5500 Owner's Manual
4GENERATOR FEATURESReference 1 - Circuit Breakers. This portablesingle phase generator has 2, 20 amp (A) push toreset circuit breakers to protect against electricaloverloads.Reference 2 - 120/240V Receptacle. The lockingdevice is a 120/240V 20A NEMA L14-20R receptacle.This receptacle accepts a NEMA plug number L14-20P.ALWAYS use grounded male plugs. The neutralline of the generator is mechanically grounded to theframe. Matching NEMA male plugs must always beused.Reference 3 - Grounding Post. Ground thegenerator via the grounding post, to a copper pipe orrod that is driven into moist soil.Reference 4 - 120V Receptacle. The generatorhas a control panel with one duplex (two receptacles ina common housing) receptacle and one locking devicereceptacle. The duplex is a 120 volt (V) 20 amp (A)straight blade receptacle, National ElectricalManufacturer’s Association (NEMA) number 5-20R.This receptacle accepts NEMA plug numbers 5-15Pand 5-20P. Each receptacle on the duplex is capableof drawing 20A.Reference 5 - Oil Drain Plug. Refer to yourHonda engine manual for oil changerecommendations.Reference 6 - Engine Stop Sw itch. The redengine stop switch is located on the engine. Alwayslocate this switch and be familiar with its locationbefore operating the generator.Reference 7 - Decal.Reference 8 - Air Cleaner. Refer to your Hondaengine manual for air cleaner care.Reference 9 - Super Silent Muffler. 8 dB lessthan Honda’s standard muffler.Reference 10 - Gas Cap w ith Gauge. The gascap is extra large, creating a large hole for refilling anda comfortable grip. You can always monitor thefuel level without removing the cap by using thefuel level indicator built into the gas cap.Reference 11 - 6.5 Gallon Gas Tank. Large tankallows for extended run capabilities. Always allowroom for gasoline expansion by not filling the gas tankcompletely full.Reference 12 - Generator Head. The electricityproducing part of the generator.Reference 13 - Vibration Isolation Mounts. Theengine and generator head, are mounted on rubbercylinders that absorb most of the engine vibration.Reference 14 - Recoil. Grasp firmly whenstarting engine.Reference 15 - Choke Lever. Used during coldstarts. Refer to the Honda engine manual for usage.Reference 16 – Fuel Valve Lever. The Hondaengine has an ON-OFF valve. Always keep this valveclosed when the generator is not in use. Always keepthis valve closed while transporting the generator.Low Oil Shutdow n. The Honda engine isprotected against damage resulting from low oil level.As the oil falls below the safe level, the engineautomatically shuts off (the engine stop switch remainsin the on position). The engine will not start until theoil is refilled to above the safe level.INTRODUCTIONBefore starting your generator, thoroughly studythe instructions and cautions in this manual to assureyou are fully acquainted with the operation of allcomponents of this generator. Proper preparation,operation and maintenance will result in operatorsafety, best performance and long life of the generator.For detailed engine operation and maintenance alwaysrefer to the Honda engine owner’s manual furnishedwith the generator (Honda refers to the 8 Hp engine asa GX240).NorthStar is constantly improving its products.The specifications outlined herein are subject tochange without prior notice or obligation. Thepurchaser and/or user assumes liability of anymodification and/or alterations on this equipment fromoriginal design and manufacture.Before using, the user shall determine thesuitability of this product for its intended use andassumes liability therein.ANSI SAFETY DEFINITIONSDANGER indicates an imminently hazardoussituation which, if not avoided, will result in death orserious injury. This signal word is to be limited to themost extreme situations.WARNING indicates a potentially hazardoussituation which, if not avoided, could result in adeath or serious injury.CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardoussituation, which if not avoided, may result in minor ormoderate injury. It may also be used to alert againstunsafe practices.RULES FOR SAFE OPERATIONSSafety precautions are essential when operatingthis generator.Respectful and cautious operation willconsiderably lessen the possibilities of a personalinjury. This manual will warn of specific personal injurypotential, and these will be designated by the symbol: |
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