1MNS157310AOwner's ManualInstructions for Set-up, Operation, Maintenance & StoragePETROL HOT WATER/STEAM PRESSURE WASHER – 3000 PSI/15.14 LPM (4 GPM)Portable Outdoor-Use OnlyThis pressure washer produces both cold and hot water high pressure spray as well as steam spray. Cleaningchemicals may be incorporated into the spray if desired. The pressure pump for this equipment is powered bya petrol internal combustion engine and the water is heated by a kerosene/fuel-oil fired, open flame burner.WARNING – READ THIS MANUALREAD and UNDERSTAND this Owner's Manual and the Engine Owner's Manualcompletely before attempting to set up and use the pressure washer! Failure to properly setup, operate, and maintain this pressure washer could result in serious injury or death to operatoror bystanders.WARNING – SPECIAL HAZARDSCO Poisoning• Exhaust from both the engine and burner contains carbon monoxide, apoisonous gas that can cause carbon monoxide poisoning and possibledeath if inhaled. ONLY run pressure washer OUTDOORS and at least 6m(20 feet) from the home, away from windows, vents and air intakes, toallow proper ventilation. If you start to feel sick, dizzy, or weak whileusing the pressure washer, shut off the engine and get to fresh air RIGHTAWAY.Skin/EyeInjury• High-pressure spray can cause serious skin or eye injury, including injection injuryif fluid pierces the skin. Injection injury can result in blood poisoning and/orsevere tissue damage.Burns• Hot spray can scald and burn skin.• Hot surfaces of wand, engine and burner, as well as hot exhaust from boththe engine and burner can cause burns.Slips/Falls • Spray discharge can cause puddles and slippery surfaces.• Spray-gun kickback can cause operator loss of balance and falls.Flying Debris • High-pressure spray can cause surface damage and flying debris.Fire/Explosion• Engine and burner sparking can ignite fuel or other flammable liquids orvapors in the vicinity.• Hot exhaust from engine and burner can ignite combustible materials.ChemicalExposure • Cleaning chemical vapors or contact with skin may be hazardous.Electric shock • Spray contact with electrical sources can cause electric shock.A summary of important safety information is provided at the end of the manual.Any Questions, Comments, Problems, or Parts OrdersCall Kincrome Tools & Equipment 1300 657 528ITEM NUMBER: NS157310SERIAL NUMBER: _____________