Bootloader and Firmware VersionThe two green buttons in the bottom left-hand corner are used todisplay the version numbers of the bootloader and firmware loadedon the Launchpad.Exiting the BootloaderThe bottom right-hand green button is used to exit the bootloaderand change over to the main firmware.Firmware UpdateFirmware updates may be made available in the future via theLaunchpad S and Launchpad Mini download pages on the Novationwebsite. Updates will be provided in the form of a System Exclusive(.syx) file. This is a standard file format used by manufacturers forconfiguring equipment.The new firmware may be loaded onto the Launchpad only whilst itis in bootloader mode. The procedure is as follows:1. Download the firmware as a System Exclusive (.syx) filefrom the Novation website.2. Connect the Lauchpad in bootloader mode to a Mac orWindows PC.3. Open the System Exclusive file in MIDI-OX for WindowsPC or Sysex-Librarian for Mac, available from: Select the Launchpad S / Mini as the MIDI output device.5. Play the file.Text will scroll across the Launchpad to indicate that an upgrade istaking place. Once the update has finished the bootloader will exit.The bootloader can be used subsequently to view the versionnumber of the main firmware. This is a useful way to check that theupdate has been successful. Note that the bootloader itself will notbe updated; just the main firmware.