19Two examples of Filter routings……a Notch Filter:F1Type: LPF2Type: HPF1Routing: ParallelFrequencyVolumeFilter 1 Filter 2FrequencyVolumeFilter 1 Filter 2…a wideband bandpass filterF1Type: HPF2Type: LPF1Routing: SeriesFrequencyVolumeFilter 1 Filter 2FrequencyVolumeFilter 1 Filter 2Parameter: Filter Frequency LinkDisplayed As: FreqLinkDefault value: OffRange of adjustment: Off or OnSetting FreqLink to On creates a relationship between the frequencies of the two Filtersections, and re-assigns the function of F2Freq for Filter 2 from Frequency to FrequencyOffset (see F1Freq, above). Filter 2’s offset is relative to Filter 1’s frequency.FrequencyVolumeFilter 1 Filter 2FrequencyVolumeFilter 1 Filter 2FrequencyVolumeFilter 1 Filter 2An increase in Filter 1’s frequency will also increase Filter 2’s frequencyAn increase in Filter 2's frequency will decrease Filter 1's frequencyA decrease in Filter 2's frequency will increase Filter 1's frequencyParameter: Resonance LinkDisplayed As: ResLinkDefault value: OffRange of adjustment: Off or OnSetting ResLink to On applies the same Resonance parameter value to both Filter 1 andFilter 2. The Filter Resonance control (F1Res) affects both filters, regardless of which filteris currently selected for adjustment.Edit menu - Submenu 5: VoiceThe MiniNova is a multi-voice, polyphonic synthesizer, which basically means you can playchords on the keyboard, and every note you hold down will sound. Each note is termeda ‘voice’, and the MiniNova’s DSP engine is sufficiently powerful to ensure that you willalways run out of fingers before you run out of voices! However, if you are controllingthe MiniNova from a MIDI sequencer, it is theoretically possible to run out (there are amaximum of 18 voices internally). Although this is likely to happen only rarely, users mayoccasionally observe this phenomenon, which is termed ‘voice stealing’.The alternative to polyphonic voicing is mono. With mono voicing, only one note sounds ata time; pressing a second key while holding the first down will cancel the first and play thesecond – and so on. The last note played is always the only one that you hear. All the early