38 GroupWise 7 Client Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)novdocx (en) 10 March 2008A.3 September 29, 2006A.4 June 15, 2006 (GroupWise 7 SP1)Location ChangeGroupWise Windows Client FAQ“How do I change the way my name appearsin messages?” on page 12Added a new question and answer.“Can I send automatic e-mail reminders toother users?” on page 13Added a new question and answer.GroupWise Cross-Platform Client FAQ“How do I change the way my name appearsin messages?” on page 12Added a new question and answer.GroupWise WebAccess Client FAQ“How do I change the way my name appearsin messages?” on page 12Added a new question and answer.GroupWise Client ComparisonChapter 6, “GroupWise Client Comparison,”on page 27Added a link to the chart of GroupWise 6, 6.5, and 7 SP1feature comparisons.Section 6.3, “Address Book Tasks,” onpage 32Updated the chart to show that the Outlook Connectornow supports shared address books.Location ChangeGroupWise Windows Client FAQ“My personal information in the GroupWiseAddress Book is out of date. How do I updateit?” on page 12Added a new question and answer.“How do I display just my unopened items?” onpage 12Added a new question and answer.“How do I turn on or turn off the header onmessages I print?” on page 13Added a new question and answer.“Help! A column header has disappeared. Howdo I get it back? And how do I add morecolumns?” on page 14Added a new question and answer.“Where is the Accounts menu that I need inorder to set up a POP or IMAP e-mail accountin GroupWise?” on page 14Added a new question and answer.“Why are there discrepancies between thefolder structure in my archive and in my Onlineor Caching mailbox?” on page 15Added a new question and answer.