Configuring the Notes Gateway 53Using the Access.cfg File in the Gateway DirectoryThe access.cfg file is an ASCII text file that can be edited with a standard text editor. It is locatedin the gateway root directory (for example, domain\wpgate\notes). The access.cfg file enables youto implement the following specific types of access control: Provide specific access control based on GroupWise domains and post offices Provide specific access control based on access groups that you define Limit the size of incoming and outgoing messages to and from your GroupWise system forspecific domains, post offices, or access groups Prevent messages from specific addresses from entering your GroupWise system for specificdomains, post offices, or access groups Allow messages from specified addresses to enter your GroupWise system, while preventingall others for specific domains, post offices, or access groups Prevent rule-generated messages from going out of your GroupWise system for specificdomains, post offices, or access groupsThe initial access.cfg file includes descriptions and examples of the section headers and keywordsthat you can use in the file. However, all lines are initially commented out and access control is offby default. Print the initial access.cfg file in the domain\wpgate\notes directory. Reviewing the filewill help you understand how it works.Add the following line at the top of the file to turn on access control:Access Control=OnAfter access control has been turned on, you can create sections in the access.cfg file for variousgroups of users. Within each section, you define the access control settings for the group to whichthe section applies. The following section headers and keywords are available:Section headers, keywords, and settings are not case sensitive. The In and Out directions are fromthe point of view of the GroupWise system.Notes Gateway Web ConsoleYou can turn access control on and off for the current gateway session on the Access Control page.You can also adjust the maximum message size.Section HeadersSection headers establish groups of users to which access control settings are applied. “[Default:In|Out]” on page 54 “[groupwise_domain:In|Out]” on page 54 “[groupwise_domain.post_office:In|Out]” on page 54Section Headers Keywords[Default:In|Out][groupwise_domain:In|Out][groupwise_domain.post_office:In|Out][AccessGroup:group_name]AllAccessNoAccessBlockAllowMaxSizeAllowRuleGenerated