GroupWise 7 9novdocx (en) 6 April 2007Outlook Readme is available in the \client\doc\us\ directory of the GroupWise 7 Client (Windows)CD.5 Installation Issues Section 5.1, “General Installation Issues,” on page 9 Section 5.2, “NetWare/Windows Installation Issues,” on page 10 Section 5.3, “Linux Installation Issues,” on page 105.1 General Installation Issues “Version Compatibility” on page 9 “GroupWise 7 Reinstallation” on page 9 “WebAccess and Monitor on the Same Web Server” on page 9 “Web Clipping Application (PQA) Support with WebAccess and Monitor” on page 9 “Additional Installation Issues” on page 105.1.1 Version CompatibilityIf you install GroupWise on multiple platforms, or if you run multiple versions (for example,GroupWise 6.5 and GroupWise 7 in the same GroupWise system), refer to the GroupWise VersionCompatibility appendix in the GroupWise 7 Installation Guide ( to make sure that the combinations you are using are supported. For example,you cannot run a GroupWise 7 client against a GroupWise 6.5 or earlier post office. Earlier POAscannot support later GroupWise clients. However, you can run a GroupWise 6.5 or earlier clientagainst a GroupWise 7 POA.5.1.2 GroupWise 7 ReinstallationIf you install GroupWise 7 components from a software distribution directory located on your localdrive or a network drive and then try to update those components by installing from a CD, theinstallation fails by erroneously prompting for a disk:Please insert the disk: 1Uninstall the existing software, then install from the CD.5.1.3 WebAccess and Monitor on the Same Web ServerThe WebAccess Application, WebPublisher Application, and Monitor Application share a commonlibrary. If you are updating from an earlier GroupWise version and if you run these applications onthe same Web server, you must update all three before any of them can work properly.5.1.4 Web Clipping Application (PQA) Support with WebAccess and MonitorPalm OS* devices are no longer supported in GroupWise 7. However, the Installation program stilloffers the opportunity to configure this feature. If you have been using a PQA in an earlier version ofGroupWise, you can continue to do so, but it is no longer a supported feature.