170 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 GNOME User Guidenovdocx (ENU) 01 February 2006Nautilus is the default file manager of the GNOME desktop. It can be used to create folders anddocuments, display and manage your files and folders, run scripts, write data to a CD, and openURI locations. For an introduction to using Nautilus as a file manager, see GNOME UserGuide. Find information about Nautilus on the Internet at www.gnome.org/projects/nautilus(http://www.gnome.org/projects/nautilus/).taperTaper is a backup and restore program that provides a friendly user interface to allow backupand restoration of files to and from a tape drive. Alternatively, files can be backed up to archivefiles. Recursively selected directories are supported. Find more information attaper.sourceforge.net (http://taper.sourceforge.net/).vimvim (vi improved) is a program similar to the text editor vi. Users may need time to adjust tovim, because it distinguishes between command mode and insert mode. The basic features arethe same as in all text editors. vim offers some unique options, like macro recording, file formatdetection and conversion, and multiple buffers in a screen. Find more information atwww.vim.org (http://www.vim.org/).(X)EmacsGNU Emacs and XEmacs are very professional editors. XEmacs is based on GNU Emacs. Toquote the GNU Emacs Manual, “Emacs is the extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor.” Both offer nearly the same functionality with minor differences. Used byexperienced developers, they are highly extensible through the Emacs Lisp language. Theysupport many languages, like Russian, Greek, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. Find moreinformation at www.xemacs.org (http://www.xemacs.org/) and www.gnu.org/software/emacs(http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html).XpdfXpdf is lean PDF viewing suite for Linux and Unix platforms. It includes a viewer applicationand some export plug-ins for PostScript or text formats. Find more information atwww.foolabs.com/xpdf (http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf/).A.6 Software DevelopmentThis section introduces Linux IDEs, toolkits, development tools, and versioning systems forprofessional software development.Table A-6 Development Software for Windows and LinuxTask WindowsApplicationLinuxApplicationIntegratedDevelopmentEnvironmentsBorland C++,Delphi, VisualStudio, .NETKDevelop, Eric,Eclipse,MonoDevelop,AnjutaToolkits MFC, Qt, GTK+ Qt, GTK+Compilers VisualStudio GCC