Junk Mail FolderAll e-mail items from addresses and Internet domains that are junked through JunkMail Handling are placed in the Junk Mail folder . This folder is not created in thefolder list unless a Junk Mail option is enabled.While Junk Mail options are enabled, this folder cannot be deleted. However, thefolder can be renamed or moved to a different location in the folder list. If all Junk Mailoptions are disabled, the folder can be deleted. The folder can also be deleted if theJunk Mail Handling feature is disabled by the system administrator.To delete items from the Junk Mail Folder, right-click the folder, click Empty JunkMail Folder, then click Yes.Trash FolderAll deleted mail and phone messages, appointments, tasks, documents, and remindernotes are stored in the Trash folder . Items in the Trash can be viewed, opened, orreturned to your Mailbox before the Trash is emptied. (Emptying the Trash removesitems in the Trash from the system.)You can empty your entire Trash, or empty only selected items. Items in the Trash areautomatically emptied according to the number days entered in the Cleanup tab in En-vironment Options, or you can empty the Trash manually. The system administratormight specify that your Trash is emptied automatically on a regular basis.Shared FoldersA shared folder is like any other folder in your Cabinet, except other people haveaccess to it. You can create shared folders or share existing personal folders in yourCabinet. You choose whom to share the folder with, and what rights to grant each user.Then, users can post messages to the shared folder, drag existing items into the folder,and create discussion threads. You can’t share system folders, which include the Cabinet,Trash, and Work In Progress folders.GroupWise Linux Client: E-Mailing and Calendaring 131