9.2.4 Removing SoftwareIf you want to remove software from the system, proceed as follows:1 Make use of a search strategy explained in Section 9.2.1, “Installing Software”(page 142).2 Depending on the search strategy, you can either select a complete set or singlepackages one by one. For patterns, both ways are possible.3 Click Accept and either watch the de-installation progress or adjust your selection,if YaST complains about dependency issues.9.3 Managing Software Repositoriesand ServicesAdd additional software repositories to your system to install third-party software. Bydefault, the product repository such as SUSE Linux Enterprise Server-DVD 11 and amatching update repository are configured once you registered your system. Dependingon the initially selected product, a separate language add-on repository with translations,dictionaries, etc. might also be configured.Here also manage subscriptions to so-called Services. A Service in this context is aRepository Index Service (RIS) that can offer one or more software repositories. Sucha Service can be changed dynamically by its administrator or vendor.WARNING: Trusting External Software SourcesBefore adding external software repositories to your list of repositories, makesure this repository can be trusted. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is not respon-sible for any potential problems arising from software installed from third-party software repositories.To ensure the integrity software repositories can be signed with the GPG Key of therepository maintainer. You can manage these keys in YaST—for more information,see GPG Keys (page 148). Whenever you add a new repository, YaST offers to importits key. Verify it as any other GPG key and pay attention that it does not change. If youInstalling or Removing Software 147