Command Control 105novdocx (en) 7 January 2010To move multiple access times in the same category, press the Ctrl key and select the requiredaccess times one at a time, or press the Shift key to select a consecutive list of access times.4 Drag the selected access time to the desired location.5.10.5 Deleting an Access Time1 Click Command Control on the home page of the console.2 Click Access Times in the navigation pane.3 Select the access time you want to delete.To select multiple access times in the same category, press the Ctrl key and select the requiredaccess times one at a time, or press the Shift key to select a consecutive list of access times.4 Click Delete Access Time in the task pane.5 Click Finish.The access time is deleted, and is also removed from any rule conditions and script entities inwhich it has been defined.5.11 Command Control ReportsYou can configure customized reports of the contents of the Command Control configurationdatabase, which are dynamically created and e-mailed to the specified person at defined intervals.You can use Perl template scripting to extract the required information and format it into an e-mailfor the target person. An option is available for sending your reports to the Compliance Auditor forescalation management.To use this feature, you must provide details of your e-mail server to the Messaging Component(msgagnt) so that reports can be e-mailed. See “Configuring SMTP Settings for the MessagingComponent Package” on page 38 for details. Section 5.11.1, “Adding a Command Control Report,” on page 105 Section 5.11.2, “Modifying a Command Control Report,” on page 106 Section 5.11.3, “Copying a Command Control Report,” on page 106 Section 5.11.4, “Moving a Command Control Report,” on page 107 Section 5.11.5, “Deleting a Command Control Report,” on page 1075.11.1 Adding a Command Control Report1 Click Command Control on the home page of the console.2 Click Reports in the navigation pane.3 To add a report at the top level, click Add Report in the task pane. To add a report to a category,select the category and click Add Report in the task pane.4 Specify a name for the report.5 Click Finish.6 To configure the report, continue with Section 5.11.2, “Modifying a Command ControlReport,” on page 106.