2GENERAL INFORMATIONLAYOUT AND PLANNING EXAMPLESThe NuTone Central Cleaning System consists of a CentralPower Unit, PVC Tubing, PVC Fittings, automatic switchoperated Wall Inlets, a flexible hose and various cleaningattachments.As an aid in planning the installation, look at the followingexamples.THE RANCH STYLE HOUSEHere the power unit is mounted in thegarage. The intake and exhaust tubing,the only exposedtubing in theinstallation, runs upthe garage wall andinto the attic.The trunk line runshorizontally throughthe attic from thepower unit to thefarthest inlet location.Branch lines spreadthroughout the attic,connecting the trunk lineto the inlet tubing. Each inlettube is threadedvertically through an inside wall. Located in hallways,and in large rooms, the inlets are placed to provide maximumaccess to all cleaning areas. See Figure 1.THE TWO-STORY HOUSEIn this installation, the power unit is mounted in the basement,conveniently located for shop use and messy cleaning jobs. Theintake tubing runs up the basement wall and connects to themain trunk line, which runs along the unfinished basementceiling. Two first-floor inlets are connected to the trunk line byvertical inlet lines run through interior walls. In the center of thehouse, a vertical branchline runs from the basement trunk line, through stacked closets,up into the attic. A second trunk line runsacross the attic and two branch lines connect to inlet lineswhich are dropped down through upstairs interior walls.See Figure 2.The double-trunk line system is commonly used intwo-story houses. Finding the “key” to an accessiblevertical area is the most important step in this kindof installation.The Power Unit is designed to be wall mounted away from theliving area of the home and connected to the living area bymeans of permanently installed In-Wall tubing and fittings.EXHAUSTTRUNK LINEBRANCH LINEINLETSPOWERUNITINTAKEINLET LINEVERTICALBRANCHLINEATTICTRUNKLINEINLETLINEINLETEXHAUSTINTAKEPOWERUNITBASEMENTTRUNK LINEFIGURE 2FIGURE 1