NuMaker-M032SEFeb. 20, 2019 Page 21 of 37 Rev 1.00NUMAKER-M032SE USER MANUALMaker Nu-mbed NUC472 User Manual2.5.12 Push-ButtonsTable 2-15 presents the push-buttons.Component CommentICESW1 Off-line program button to start off-line programming the target chip.SW1 Reset button to reset the target chip.Table 2-15 Push-Buttons2.5.13 LEDsTable 2-16 presents the LEDs.Component CommentPower LED The power LED indicates that the NuMaker-M032SE is powered.PB14 LED The LED is connected to the target chip PB.14.ICES0, ICES1, ICES2and ICES3 Nu-Link2-Me status LED.Table 2-16 LEDsNu-Link2-Me2.6The Nu-Link2-Me is a debugger and programmer that supports on-line programming and debuggingthrough SWD interface. The on-board 16 Mbit SPI Flash allows it to off-line program the targetmicrocontroller. Additionally, the Nu-Link2-Me provides virtual COM port (VCOM) function to print outmessages on PC. Table 2-17 presents how to set the VCOM function by ICESW2.ICESW2Pin Function Comment1 TXD On: Connect target chip PB.13 (UART0_TXD) to Nu-Link2-Me.Off: Disconnect target chip PB.13 (UART0_TXD) to Nu-Link2-Me.2 RXD On: Connect target chip PB.12 (UART0_RXD) to Nu-Link2-Me.Off: Disconnect target chip PB.12 (UART0_RXD) to Nu-Link2-Me.Note: Pin 3 and 4 is unused.Table 2-17 VCOM Function of Nu-Link2-Me