M0564May 23, 2017 Page 8 of 38 Rev 1.00NUTINY-SDK-M0564 USER MANUALPin Assignment for Extended Connector2.2NuTiny-EVB-M0564 provides M0564VG4AE on board and the extended connector for LQFP100-pin. Table 2-1 is the pin assignment for M0564VG4AE.Pin No. Pin Name Type Description1 PB.13 I/O General purpose digital I/O pin.ADC0_CH10 A ADC0 channel 10 analog input.2 PB.14 I/O General purpose digital I/O pin.ADC0_CH11 A ADC0 channel 11 analog input.3 PB.15 I/O General purpose digital I/O pin.ADC0_CH12 A ADC0 channel 12 analog input.ACMP0_P3 A Analog comparator 0 positive input 3 pin.EBI_nCS1 O EBI chip select 1 output pin.4 PB.5 I/O General purpose digital I/O pin.ADC0_CH13 A ADC0 channel 13 analog input.SPI0_MOSI I/O SPI0 MOSI (Master Out, Slave In) pin.SPI1_MOSI I/O SPI1 MOSI (Master Out, Slave In) pin.ACMP0_P2 A Analog comparator 0 positive input 2 pin.SC1_RST O Smart Card 1 reset pin.EBI_AD6 I/O EBI address/data bus bit 6.5 PB.6 I/O General purpose digital I/O pin.ADC0_CH14 A ADC0 channel 14 analog input.SPI0_MISO I/O SPI0 MISO (Master In, Slave Out) pin.SPI1_MISO I/O SPI1 MISO (Master In, Slave Out) pin.ACMP0_P1 A Analog comparator 0 positive input 1 pin.SC1_PWR O Smart Card 1 power pin.EBI_AD5 I/O EBI address/data bus bit 5.6 PB.7 I/O General purpose digital I/O pin.ADC0_CH15 A ADC0 channel 15 analog input.SPI0_CLK I/O SPI0 serial clock pin.SPI1_CLK I/O SPI1 serial clock pin.USCI2_CTL1 I/O USCI2 control 1 pin.ACMP0_P0 A Analog comparator 0 positive input 0 pin.SC1_DAT I/O Smart Card 1 data pin.