CompliancesNVIDIA TITAN RTX User Guide | 2708X:表示该有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出GB/T 26572 标准规定的限量要求。X: Indicates that this hazardous substance contained in at least one of the homogeneous materials usedfor this part is above the limit requirement in GB/T 26572.此表中所有名称中含 “X” 的部件均符合欧盟 RoHS 立法。All parts named in this table with an “X” are in compliance with the European Union’s RoHSLegislation.注:环保使用期限的参考标识取决于产品正常工作的温度和湿度等条件Note: The referenced Environmental Protection Use Period Marking was determined according to normaloperating use conditions of the product such as temperature and humidity.INDIAIndia RoHS Material Content DeclarationThis product, as well as its related consumables and spares, complies with thereduction in hazardous substances provisions of the “India E-waste(Management and Handling) Rule 2016”. It does not contain lead, mercury,hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls or polybrominated diphenylethers in concentrations exceeding 0.1 weight % and 0.01 weight % for cadmium,except for where allowed pursuant to the exemptions set in Schedule 2 of theRule.India RoHS Self-Declaration Form(as per E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016)Sr.No.ProductCategory&Code (asPerSchedule Iof E-Waste(M) Rules,2016ProductnameModelNo.ProductWeight(g)DateofplacingonmarketCompliancewithRoHSYes/NoRoHSInformationprovidedon productinfobookletYes/NoIn caseProduct isimportedfromothercountry,name of thecountrymanufacturedi.TEW2(GraphicCard)GraphicCard N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes China