16DIRECTIONS FOR USEADJUSTABLE BREAST COMFORT (ABC) SYSTEM USECAUTION ABC System Weight Limit - 100 lbs. (45 kg.) Do not sit on the ABC System. Do not placeforeign objects into the ABC System. Only use as intended. For safety of your client, usea cloth sheet between the ABC System and your client.SUPINE POSITIONINGWhen turning clients over to supine,you may use the cushion to level afteror during their change of position. ITis not important that the cushion becompletely level. As in prone positions,make small changes in height and checkin with the client.PRONE POSITIONINGIn Prone positions, for male or femaleclients when the face rest is in use, lowerthe cushion approximately 3/4” at atime (This is approximately 1 second oflowering) and check in with the clientregarding their comfort right after mak-ing the change. Incrementally lower thecushion until the client reports they arecomfortable. Sometimes going back up alittle will be preferred. This whole pro-cess takes no more than 15-20 seconds.After lowering, check headrest positionto ensure comfort & support. Once a cli-ent’s preferences are known, the cushioncan be brought to that level before theyare on the table. NOTE: Breast size is notthe only determinate of cushion location.Every person’s comfort spot is different,regardless of breast size.HEAD REST USE IN SUPINEIf you are using the head rest in theSupine position, you may use the cush-ion at relatively high heights to facilitatestretching for short periods of time. Itis not recommended that clients experi-ence this position for more than a fewminutes.The OAKWORKS® Adjustable Breast Comfort (ABC) System is designed to lower the pressure on breasts and pectoralmuscles, allowing the client to relax and create a more comfortable position for their spine. The height of the cushionis easily adjusted up and down in small increments by using the hand control. We recommend that the cushion heightbe adjusted in the following ways:*Always start with the cushion top level with the top of the table for Prone or Supine Positioning*FACE REST USETo attach the Adjustable face rest, insert the dowels into the holes on the end of the table. Wrap the Facerest Strap thatis attached to the table around the horizontal bar on the face rest as shown to secure into place. Attach crescent to topof platform. Adjust the Facerest pad on the platform closer to the table for shorter clients and farther away for tallerclients.