UNPACKING AND SETUPAbout your OHAUS Reloading Scale 5-0-2TMYour ʺ5-0-2ʺ scale is packed in a specially designed carton to provide maximumprotection. Unpack the scale carefully to avoid damaging components. (See illustrationbelow.)Place the base on a reasonably flat and level surface.To position the beam in the base, hold it horizontally with the copper damper vanepointing upward, as shown in (A). Slide the pointer end of the beam behind the rightedge of the dial plate. Rotate the beam, as shown in (B), so that the damper vanemoves into the slot in the housing. Lower the center pivot onto the bearings asillustrated in (C). Hook the pan support assembly in the end loop on the extreme rightof the beam, illustration (D). Put the pan in place.Note the way the pan support cradles the pan. This feature makes it possible to weighlong, heavy objects such as cases and loaded cartridges without tipping the pan off itssupport. The pan support may also be rotated within the wire hanger for a moreconvenient handle position.Your ʺ5-0-2ʺ is now ready for use.CAUTION!The end loop MUST not be bent or twisted when unpacking. In order for the scaleto operate properly: Both sides of the end loop MUST be parallel to the beam. The end loop shall move freely in the pivot notches and hang in aposition perpendicular to the knife edges.Reloading Scale 5-0-2TMInstruction ManualIMPORTANTSince the powder charge is the most critical portion of a reloadedcartridge, it is very important that you take a few minutes to read theseinstructions carefully to gain an understanding of the use of the twopoise system before attempting to weigh powder charges.The 5-0-2 has a 505 grain capacity, and features a two poise system. Calibrationson left side of beam are in full 5 grain increments. The smaller poise on right side ofbeam adjusts from 0.1 to 5 grains. This was the first reloading scale to utilizemagnetic damping to eliminate unnecessary beam oscillation. It has a rugged die-cast base with a large leveling leg for extra stability on the bench. Self-aligning agatebearings support the hardened steel beam pivots to guarantee sensitivity of 0.1grain.This scale is manufactured byOhaus CorporationToll Free (800) 672-7722PRINTED IN CHINA*30332162*P/N 30332162 A © 2016 Ohaus Corporation, all rights reserved.BEAM POINTERDIAL PLATELEVELINGFOOTBASEASSEMBLYDAMPERVANE BEAMLARGEPOISE SMALLPOISE ENDLOOPPANSUPPORTASSEMBLYPAN