4-1CHAPTER 4 PARTS LISTS4.1 PARTS LISTSThis section of the manual contains selected replacement parts which are identified inFigures 5-1 through 5-4.1. In all cases, when a part is replaced on any product, the product must bethoroughly checked to insure accurate performance to factory specifications.2. Part numbers in the replacement parts lists are only shown for parts which arefield serviceable.3. When a part number is preceded by an asterisk (*), refer to the note relative tothat part located at the bottom of the page.4. When more than one of each item is used in the manufacture of a product, thequantity will be listed in parenthesis following the description.5. Some descriptions are followed by the fastener part number and quantityrequired. Fasteners must be ordered separately.6. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.7. See last page in this section for a Glossary of Terms.Approximate restoration fee: Triple Beam (750 Series) $50 - $60Triple Beam (800 Series) $75310/311 Hanging Pan $55 - $60Harvard Trip $70NOTE:If further technical information is needed, in the United States call Ohaus Aftermarkettoll-free 1-800-526-0659 between 8.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. EST. An Ohaus factoryservice technician will be available to provide assistance. Outside the U.S.A., pleasecontact: