TRAVELERTM SCALES EN-33. OPERATION3.1 Overview of Display, ControlsCONTROLSKey Name FunctionOn-ZeroOff*Yes Primary function (Short Press) – If scale is Off, turn On. If scale is on,perform Zero/Tare function Secondary function (Long Press) – Turn scale Off Menu function – (Yes) This key is used to accept the currently displayedsettingPrintCal Primary function (Short Press) – Send the current display value to serial portif installed Secondary function (Long Press) – Starts Span calibration as available inMenuUnitNo Primary function (Short Press)– Advances to next available unit Menu function – (No) This key is used to reject the displayed setting andadvance to next available settingNote:* This button is configured either as “Zero“ or “0/T“ depending oncountry. There is no difference in functionality. In this manual, “Zero“ is used as example.3.2 Menu StructureS.e.t.u.pA-Off OnOFFSpaN PressYes or NoLin PressYes or NoEnd PressYes or NoU.n.i.t.U.n.i.t g OnOFFU.n.i.t N OnOFFEnd PressYes or NoE.n.d.Press Yesor NoNotes:Unit Symbol FactorGram g 1Newton N 9.806e-3Default menu settings are shownin bold.