Océ System ConfigurationIntroductionThe Océ System Configuration application enables the remote System administrator toconfigure and administer the DAC via a HTTPs connection.Note:The DAC needs an operational TCP/IP network connection before Océ System Con-figuration can be used. To check the configuration, use the Key Operator System (KOS)of the machine to print a configuration report. To configure the IP address settings ofthe DAC, use the Key Operator System (KOS) of the machine. To learn how to use theKey Operator System (KOS), see the Configuration and maintenance manual. You candownload the manual at www.oce.com.Attention:The remote System administrator must not change the security mode. Otherwise theDAC is no longer in the certified configuration and is no longer able to assure the securityof its objects and itself. It is not possible to get the DAC back into the certified configu-ration by changing the security mode back to 'High'.Attention:The remote System administrator must not change the 'Jobs to overwrite' settings. If E-shredding is disabled for 'scan jobs' or 'print jobs without security code', the DAC is nolonger in the certified configuration and is no longer able to assure the security of 'scanjobs' and 'print jobs without security code'.Secure connectionThe network HTTPs connection to the Océ System Configuration application is protectedwith SSL (Secure Socket Layer).For the purpose of configuring the DAC prior to deployment, the DAC is delivered witha factory-default SSL certificate. A new SSL certificate should be created before the DACis deployed. This must be done after the hostname of the DAC is configured.Chapter 2 - DAC Configuration10Océ System Configuration