32Serial Commands- (Forwarding):The HD4xSTPMX can route commands from the RS-232port to any connect Zones A-H for controlling the attached display* RS-232 Forwarding feature will only work when using the RS-232 port of theHD4xSTPMX. The LAN port does not support RS-232 Forwarding*STX Data Rate Zone # of bytes ETXStart oftext(0x02)9600bps (0x41) A(0x31) 1(0xA1) End of text(0x03)19200bps (0x42) B(0x32) 2(0xA2)38400bps (0x43) C(0x33) 3(0xA3)57600bps (0x44) D(0x34) 4(0xA4)E(0x35) 5 (0xA5)F(0x36) 6 (0xA6)G(0x37) 7 (0xA7)H(0x38) 8 (0xA8)9 (0xA9)10(0x10)11(0x11)12(0x12)...99(0x99)Example:To send a 9600 baud, 10 byte command to Zone H.Step1: Send RS-232 Forwarding Command to matrix. This will set up thematrix to "forward" the next 10 Byte command to Zone H at 9600baud.STX Data Rate Zone # of bytes ETX9600 Bps Zone H 10 bytes0x02 0x41 0x38 0x10 0x03Step 2: Send the 10 byte commands that you wish to pass to Zone H.Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7 Byte8 Byte9 Byte10The RS-232 port will remain connected to the requested Zone for 1 secondafter command has been sent (step 2). This allows for any reply to bereceived from the zones. After 1 sec, all zones will be disconnected fromRS-232