8 Englishavailable Oki toner, and would not be functionally suitablefor Oki equipment.Exposure Limits, ACGIH TLV†:• Total: 10 mg/m3• Respirable: 3 mg/m3Irritancy: Not an irritant.†Sensitization (skin, guinea pig): Not a sensitizer.†Carcinogenicity: Not classified as “Carcinogens” †IARC: Refer to IARC Monographs on the EvaluationCarcinogenic Risks to Humans (WHOInternational Agency for Research on cancer).NTP: Refer to National Toxicology Program (NTP)Report on Carcinogens (NTP).OSHA:Not available.† Based on toxicity data for similar materials andingredients.Reproductive Toxicity: Not classified as “Reproductive andDevelopment chemicals.”Teratogenicity: Not available.Mutagenicity (Ames Assay): Negative.Name of Toxicologically Synergistic products: Notavailable.Reactivity Data _________________Stability: StableConditions to Avoid: Not availablePolymerization: Not availableHazardous Decomposition or Byproducts: Not availableIncompatibility: Not availablePreventive Measures____________Personal Protective EquipmentRespiratory Protection: Not normally required. For largespills (such as in bulk processing facilities), use dustrespirator during cleanup.Protective Gloves and/or Eye Protection: Not normallyrequired. For large spills (such as in bulk processingfacilities), use rubber gloves and safety goggles duringcleanup.Engineering ControlsVentilation: Outside of normal ventilation, not normallyrequired. In bulk processing facilities, local exhaustventilation may be required.Other Protective Equipment and/or Hygienic Practices:NoneSpill CleanupSmall Spills1 Remove sources of ignition.2 Sweep up or soak up with a damp (cold water) cloth.Large Spills (such as in processing facilities)1 Remove sources of ignition.2 Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel away fromarea.3 Wear protective gear: respirator, rubber gloves, goggles.4 After removing the bulk of the spill, wipe up remainderwith a wet (cold water) cloth.5 Place waste material in a closed container.Waste DisposalFollow appropriate federal, state and local regulations.PrecautionsPrecautions for Handling or Storage: Do not incineratetoner or a print cartridge. Do not disassemble a printcartridge. Keep in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. Keep outof reach of children.Other Precautions: NoneShipping InformationSpecial Shipping Information: Transport in accordancewith national and local regulations.User’s Responsibility ___________This bulletin cannot cover all possible situations which theuser may experience when using this product. Each aspect ofyour operation must be examined in regard to if, or where,additional precautions may be necessary. All health andsafety information contained in this bulletin must be providedto your employees or customers. It is your responsibility touse this information to develop appropriate work practiceguidelines and employee instructional programs for youroperation.Preparation Date of MSDS ______Date: November 1, 2003Prepared by:Oki Data Americas, Inc.Engineering Services Department2000 Bishops Gate Blvd.Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054-4620Tel: (856) 235-2600 FAX: (856) 222-5320http://www.okidata.comhttp://my.okidata.com