37 - C130n User’s GuideINPUTTRAY(cont.)AUTOCONTINUESettings ON/OFFIf OFF is selected, an error occurs if the size of paperbeing printed on is different from the size of paperspecified in the printer driver.If ON is selected, no error occurs if the size of paper beingprinted on is different from the size of paper specified inthe printer driver.TRAYCHAININGSettings YES/NOIf YES is selected and the specified paper tray runs out ofpaper during printing, a paper tray loaded with paper of thesame size is automatically selected so printing cancontinue.If NO is selected and the specified paper tray runs out ofpaper, printing stops.MAP MODE Settings ON/OFFSelect whether or not the Tray Mappingfunction is used.LOGICALTRAY 0-9Settings PHYSICAL TRAY 1/ PHYSICALTRAY 2Specify whether jobs received from anothermanufacturer’s printer driver are printed usingTray 1 or Tray 2.PHYSICAL TRAY 2 is the default only forLOGICAL TRAY 2. The default for all otherlogical trays is PHYSICAL TRAY 1.DUPLEX Settings OFF/SHORTEDGE/LONGEDGEIf LONGEDGE is selected, the pages will be printed on both sides of thepaper for long-edge binding.If SHORTEDGE is selected, the pages will be printed on both sides of thepaper for short-edge binding.ORIENTATIONSettings PORTRAIT/LANDSCAPESpecify the orientation of the media.PAGERECOVERYSettings ON/OFFSelect whether or not the page is printed again after recovering from apaper misfeed.If ON is selected, the page that was misfed is printed again.If OFF is selected, printing continues with the next page without printingthe misfed page.Paper MenuNote All factory default values are shown in bold.