CAPM Userís Guide196. Add to the ìSelected Printerî list a printer to which youwish to apply the new policy.7. Click ApplyThe confirmation message appears.8. Click OK,The ììEnter Administrator Passwordî dialog box appears.9. Type in the printer's administrator password and clickOK.The policies will be applied to the printers in the ìSelectedPrinterî list.10. Click Close.For Specific Documents (Document tab)1. From the Policy pull-down menu, select New Policy.2. On the Document tab, enter the document name eitherby typing it manually (up to 80 characters) in the ìEnterNOTETo add a printer to the ìSelected Printerî list,select its Group from the Group list, thenselect the printer or printers from the Printerlist. Click Add.To delete a printer from the ìSelected Printerîlist, select it (you can select more than one)and click Delete.NOTETo set the policy for unregistered documents,click "OtherURLs" in the listbox to the right: