5Media SpecificationsLoading Paper12345Changing the Default MediaWeightNoteThe default media weight settingfor Trays 1 and 2 is Medium.1. Press E NTER.2. Press + repeatedly until MEDIAMENU appears on the display.3. Press E NTER.TRAY1 PAPERSIZELETTER4. Press + repeatedly untilï TRAY1 MEDIAWEIGHTorï TRAY2 MEDIAWEIGHTappears on the display.5. Press E NTER.6. Press + repeatedly until thesecond line of the display showsthe Value you wish to use.7. Press E NTER.8. Press O N LINE .Media Weight Range Tray 1: 17 to 32 lb. US Bond (64 to 120 g/m2)Optional Tray 2: 17 to 47 lb. US Bond (64 to 176 g/m2)Media Size Range: Letter, Legal-14, Legal-13.5, Legal-13, A4, A5, A6 [Tray 1only], B5, ExecutiveCapacity, 20-lb.(75 g/m2 ) paper:Tray 1: 300 sheetsOptional Tray 2: 530 sheetsTray 1 and Optional Tray 2