42 ï EnglishError Messages (cont.)Printer Covers & MiscellaneousPrinter CoversCLOSE COVEREEE: COVER OPENï EEE = 310: Top Coverï EEE = 311: Front CoverIf the message persists, call yourlocal service dealer.CLOSE COVER316: DUPLEX COVER OPENClose the duplex unit cover.If the message persists, call yourlocal service dealer.OPEN UPPER COVER401: PAPER MULTI FEEDAn innappropriate length paper wasfed from a tray.ï Check the paper in the trays.ï Check for a paper jam (see page20).ï Open and close the top cover tocontinue printing.OPEN FRONT COVER400: PAPER SIZE ERRORInappropriate size paper was fedfrom a tray.ï Check the paper in the trays.ï Open and close the front cover.If the message persists, check for apaper jam (see page 20).MiscellaneousTURN OFF SCNERTURN ON AGAINTurn off the unit, then turn it onagain. If the message persists,contact your service dealer.ADD MORE MEMORY420: MEMORY OVERFLOWThe amount of data in the file beingprinted has exceeded the printerísmemory.ï Reduce the size of the file beingprinted (e.g., print the file asseparate groups of pages insteadof all the pages at one time).ï Install additional memory in theprinter (check with your SystemAdministrator or see the on-lineUserís Guide).