44205301TH Rev.1 93 /Oki Data CONFIDENTIAL 5. Maintenance Menu5.2 Maintenance UtilitiesThe maintenance utilities enables user to perform the adjustment shown in Table 5-2.Details of the maintenance utilities are available in the following documents.(1) Maintenance Utilities Operation Manual:42678801FUOI Ver24.0 and higher (Japanese)42678801FUO2 Ver24.0 and higher (English)(2) The maintenance utilities programs shown below.Applicable OS Filename Model numberWin9X/Me/NT/2000/XP(Japanese/English) MuWin.zip 42678801FW01 Ver1.25.0 andhigherTable 5-2 Maintenance utilities adjustment itemsItem Adjustment contentsMaintenanceUtilitiesOperationManual itemnumberOperation on theoperator panel (Itemnumber correspondsto that of theMaintenance Manual.)1 Boardreplacement Copies the PU part EEPROM data andCU part EEPROM setup value of theboard.Adjustment objective: Copies the EEPROMdata of existing board to the new board whenthe existing board needs to be replaced withthe new board during maintenance.Section2. Operation fromthe operator panelcannot be made.2 SerialnumberinformationsettingRe-writing the printer serial number savedin PU part. and re-writing the printer serialnumberselections, output mode andprinter serial number that are saved in CUpart.Adjustment objective: When copying theEEPROM data is not possible (due to I/Ferror or others), re-write the serial numberinformation in the new replacement board.Section2. Operation fromthe operator panelcannot be made.3 Factory/ShippingmodeSwitching between the Factory mode andthe Shipping mode.Adjustment objective: When copying theEEPROM data is not possible (due toI/F error or others), implement switchingbetween the Factory mode and theShipping mode. When the replacementboard is supplied for maintenance, ithas been set in the Factory mode as thedefault setting. Switching from the Factorymode to the Shipping mode needs to beperformed using this function.Section2. Section Adjustment contentsMaintenanceUtilitiesOperationManual itemnumberOperation on theoperator panel (Itemnumber correspondsto that of theMaintenance Manual.)4 Setupinformationof boarditemsVerifying the serial number informationand the Factory/Shipping mode. Section2. Operation fromthe operator panelcannot be made.5 USBsoftwareupgradeUpgrading the USB software Section2. Operation fromthe operator panelcannot be made.6 NIC softwareupgrade Upgrading the NIC software Section2. Operation fromthe operator panelcannot be made.7 Mac addresssetting Setting the Mac address Section2. Operation fromthe operator panelcannot be made.8 ConsumableitemscountermaintenancefunctionCopies the consumable items counterdataDrum counter (Y, M, C, K)Fuser counterBelt counterToner counter (Y, M, C, K)Adjustment objective: Copies the data ofthe respective consumable item countersin the case when an existing consumableitem that is in the middle of its usage isremoved and installed in another printer.Section2. Operation fromthe operator panelcannot be made.9 DestinationPnPinformationsettingSets/verifies the printer (CU) destination,device ID and USB ID. Section2. Section 5.4.310 Passwordinitialization Initialization of administrator password Section2. Operation fromthe operator panelcannot be made.11 Networklog savefunctionSaving the network log Section2. Operation fromthe operator panelcannot be made.12 PU Log Savefunction Saving files of PU log. Section2. Operation fromthe operator panelcannot be made.13 ConsumableitemscounterdisplayVerifies present data of the consumableitems counter. Section2. Section 5.1 ENGSTATUS PRINT