7Novell® Network InstallationInstall Software for Configuring the Printer! Installing a printer on a network is best handled bysomeone familiar with networks (such as a networkAdministrator).! The following procedure applies to Novell NetWare4.0 and 5.0 when using NDS or Bindery only. Forfurther details and for Novell NDPS instructions,refer to the on-line OkiLAN 6200e+ User’s Guidelocated on both CDs.Install OkiNet Utility for NetwareThe OkiNet Utility for Netware installs, configures, andmanages Okidata network print server devices.□ Insert CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The CDwill AutoPlay. (If AutoPlay is set off, click Start ®Run ® Browse. Browse to your CD-ROM drive anddouble-click Install.exe, then click OK.)□ The Licence Agreement appears. Click I Accept.□ The Menu Installer screen appears.□ Click the Network Software button.□ Click the Installation/Config button.□ Click the OkiNet Utilities button.□ Click on Netware Management Utilities. Click Next.□ Click OkiNet Utility for NetWare. Follow theon-screen instructions to complete the installation.Launching the UtilityTo launch the utility click Start ® Programs ® OkiNetUtilities ® OkiNet Utility for Netware.Configuring NovellFor instructions to install and configure the print server,click on Help in the utility.More information is available in the OkiLAN 6200e+User’s Guide located on both CDs.Activating the Duplex Unit, InternalHard Drive and 0ptional Paper TraysIf your printer has a duplex unit or internal hard drive(standard on Models C7100dxn, C7300dxn, C7500dxn,C9300dxn and C9500dxn), or optional paper trays youmust enter the driver and activate them. See page 6 forinstructions on how to do this.