48 > C7100/C7300/C7500 Setting upTRAY3MEDIATYPEPlain; Letterhead; Bond;Recycled; Card stock;Rough.Selects the media type for optionalTray3. (Only displayed if installed)TRAY3MEDIAWEIGHTAuto; Light; Mediumlight; Medium; Mediumheavy; Heavy; UltraheavySets the paper weight foroptional Tray. 3. (Onlydisplayed if installed)MP TRAYPAPERSIZEA4; A5; A6; B5; Legal 14;Legal 13.5; Legal 13;Letter; Executive;Custom; Com-9envelope; Com-10envelope; Monarchenvelope; DL Envelope;C5 EnvelopeSets the media size for themultipurpose tray.MP TRAYMEDIATYPEPlain; Letterhead;Transparency; Labels;Bond; Recycled; Cardstock; RoughSelects the paper type formultipurpose tray.MP TRAYMEDIAWEIGHTAuto; Light; Mediumlight; Medium; Mediumheavy; Heavy; UltraheavySets the paper weight for themultipurpose tray.UNIT OFMEASUREInch; Millimeters Sets the units of measurement forcustom paper size.X DIMENSION 3 inches to 8.5 inches(76 mm to 216 mm)Sets the dimensions of custompaper. For these dimensions towork, the MP tray paper size mustbe set to custom.Y DIMENSION 5 inches to 47.2 inches;default = 11 inches(127 mm to 1200 mm)Sets the dimensions of custompaper. For these dimensions towork, the MP tray paper size mustbe set to custom.Media Menu (continued)The default settings are bold.Item Value Description