Office colour 29OFFICE COLOURThis section describes the features in the printer driver for “OfficeColour” printer colour management.There are two different sets of options in Office Colour:Although the Office Colour options contain controls for CMYKdata, it is strongly recommended that you use the Graphic Prooptions instead. If you are printing CMYK data, the Graphic Prooptions provide more power and flexibility.RGB O PTIONS CMYK O PTIONS(P OST SCRIPT ONLY )Monitor (6500K) – Auto SWOPMonitor (6500K) – Perceptual EuroscaleMonitor (6500K) – Vivid Japan ColorMonitor (9300K)Digital CamerasRGBIMPORTANT!The options for CMYK data are not present in theWindows PCL 5c or PCL 6 printer drivers. These printerdrivers only support RGB colour data.