41956001TH Rev.1 218 /Oki Data CONFIDENTIAL4. C7100/7300/9300/9500 Series (Warning messages : Job Account)LEDAttenVariesVariesLightLightLightLCD MessagesFILE ACCESSINGCANCELLING(USER DENIED)CANCELLING(BUFFER FULL)_INVALD ID.JOB REJECTED_LOG BUFFER FULL.JOBREJECTEDErrCodeDescriptionAccessing the File System(HDD/FLASH) on the CU board.Job cancellation due to no print permit.(Related to JobAccount)1. A jobreceived from a user who is deniedprinting.2. A color job received from auser who is denied color printing.Indiates that a job has been cancelledbecause the printer area where the logsare stored has been used up and also"Cancel job" is specified as an operationat the time of Log Full. (Related toJobAccount)Notifies users that jobs have beencancelled because they are notpermitted for printing. (Related toJobAccount). Stays displayed until theON LINE key is pressed.Notifies users that jobs have beencancelled because the buffer is full.(Related to JobAccount.)Staysdisplayed until the ON LINE key ispressed.LEDReadyVariesBlinkBlinkVariesVariesComments