C9600 Utilities GuideLPR Utility ï 33LPR UtilityGeneral InformationThe LPR Utility allows you to print directly to a printer on the networkwithout a print server. It creates a Printer Port, and installs a pop-upstatus box so you can monitor printer status.The LPR Utility operates in Windows Me/98, Windows NT 4.0,Windows 2000, and Windows XP operating systems.Load this program from the Menu Installer located on CD1.How to InstallThe LPR Utility supports TCP/IP. Your network administrator mustset up an IP address and TCP/IP properties for your printer.1. To install the utility, insert CD1 into the CD-ROM drive.If CD does not AutoPlay, click Start→ Run→ Browse.Browse to your CD-ROM driver. Double-click Install.exe. ClickOK.2. Click Network Software → Installation/Config → LPRUtility. Follow the on-screen instructions.