15Selecting/UsingThick PaperSample Ream Label:Media Weight, Index (see page 5).Media Weight, Metric: Look forthis to confirm Index vs US Bond (seepage 5)Caution!To avoid damage to the printer,always change the printer settingswhen printing on thick media.SpecificationsSizes• Letter, Executive• Legal-14, Legal-13.5, Legal-13• A4, A5, A6, B5• Custom (must be defined in the printerdriver).Feed Tray• Tray 1• MP Tray• Optional Tray 2Exit Tray• Rear OnlyMedia Type• Card StockMedia Weight• Tray1: Heavy• MP Tray & Optional Tray2: Heavy,Ultra HeavyRecommended• Oki Premium Card Stock (seepage 18)• Printing Thick PaperPrinting Individual Jobs onThick PaperMake the following settings in theprinter driver as you print the job:• Source = Tray1 (17 lb. to 32 lb. USBond), Optional Tray2 (17 lb. to 47 lb.US Bond ), or MP Tray (20 lb. to 54lb. US Bond)• Size = see sizes at left• Type = Heavy or Ultra Heavy (seepage 5).Making Thick Paper theDefault Print MediaSet the printer menu to (see pages 6and 7):• PaperSize (Tray1, Tray2, or MP Tray)= see sizes at left.• Media Type:– Tray1 = Heavy– Optional Tray2 or MP Tray =Heavy or Ultra Heavy