1 Checking Common Setup Information1-1 Check the administrator's password of MC860.Ask the administrator of MC860 about "Administrator Password", and fill in the "G-1" of the setupinformation form.Memo • Passwords are case-sensitive.• The factory default is aaaaaa.1-2 Check the IP address of MC860.If MC860 is connected to the network before following the procedure of this guide, an IP address hasbeen already set up in MC860.Press the [Setup] key.Press [View Information].Press [Network].Fill in the IPv4 address value on "G-2" the setupinformation form.This concludes the collection of the common information in Scan To Mail and Scan To Network PC (CIFS).If Scan To Mail is used, proceed to page 5.If only Scan To Network PC (CIFS) is used, proceed to page 14.Fill in "G-2".