Notices60This publication could include technical inaccuracies ortypographical errors. Changes are periodically made to theinformation herein; these changes will be incorporated in neweditions of the publication. Printronix may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) described in this publication at anytime without notice.Any references in this publication to non-Printronix Web sites areprovided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve asan endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Websites are not part of the materials for this Printronix product and useof those Web sites is at your own risk.Any performance data contained herein was determined in acontrolled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in otheroperating environments may vary significantly. Somemeasurements may have been made on development-levelsystems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will bethe same on generally available systems. Furthermore, somemeasurement may have been estimated through extrapolation.Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify theapplicable data for their specific environment.Information concerning non-Printronix products was obtained fromthe suppliers of those products, their published announcements orother publicly available sources. Printronix has not tested thoseproducts and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance,compatibility or any other claims related to non-Printronix products.Questions on the capabilities of non-Printronix products should beaddressed to the suppliers of those products.Printronix encourages owners of information technology (IT)equipment to responsibly recycle their equipment when it is nolonger needed. Printronix offers a variety of programs and servicesto assist equipment owners in recycling their IT products.Information on these product recycling offerings can be found onPrintronix’s Internet site at Periféricos Informáticos SL C/Canteras, 15 28860 Paracuellos de Jarama Tel: 00 34 917481604 WEB: