40 • Setting Up Your Printeryou have the wrong emulation selected, you will see strangecharacters, incorrect fonts, etc.If you are directly replacing a MICROLINE ML184 Turbo or ML184printer with the ML186, you must make sure that the printer menuon your new ML186 is set to match the emulation being used forthe existing printer (see “Changing the Emulation Default in thePrinter Menu” below).For Non-Windows ApplicationsYour printer is compatible with the emulations listed in the tablebelow and will function properly with software developed for them.To make full use of the ML186 printer’s features, use the top entryfor the applicable emulation (e.g., IBM 2480). Entries further down(e.g., IBM Graphics Printer Plus, IBM Graphics Printer) work wellwith the printer, but do not provide full use of the printer’scapabilities.ImportantSee your software documentation for information on how toselect an emulation in that application.ML186 Emulation Mode Compatible Printers/DriversIBM IBM 2480IBM Graphics Printer PlusIBM Graphics PrinterEpson Epson ESC/P2Epson LX PlusEpson LXML Okidata MICROLINE Standard