F - 134. TROUBLESHOOTING4.1 Precautions Prior to the Troubleshooting(1) Go through the basic checking items provided in the Printer Handbook.(2) Obtain detailed information concerning the problem from the user.(3) Go through checking in the conditions similar to that in which the problem occurred.4.2 Preparations for the Troubleshooting(1) Display on the Operator panelThe status of the problem is displayed on the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) on the Operatorpanel. Go through the appropriate troubleshooting procedures according to the messagesdisplayed on the LCD.Status message displayReady LED display: OFF : BLINKING: ON : Undefined[ODA]ReadyAdobe PostScript® ®®Press 2 secondsPrint FontsTRAY TYPEPrint MenuPAPER SIZEMENU 2 Recover ResetMENU 1Power SaveENTERP A G E P R I N T E RD I G I T A L L E D P R I N T E ROKIPAGEPrint DemoFORM FEEDON LINEA4 LTR OTHERLGL ENVor[OEL]ReadyAdobe PostScript® ®®Press 2 secondsPrint FontsTRAY TYPEPrint MenuPAPER SIZEMENU 2 Recover ResetMENU 1Power SaveENTERL E D P A G E P R I N T E ROKIPAGEPrint DemoFORM FEEDON LINEB5 LTR OTHERLGLA4 A5 ENV[INT]ReadyAdobe PostScript® ®®Press 2 secondsPrint FontsTRAY TYPEPrint MenuPAPER SIZEMENU 2 Recover ResetMENU 1Power SaveENTERL E D P A G E P R I N T E ROKIPAGEPrint DemoFORM FEEDON LINEB5 LTR OTHERLGLA4 A5 ENV