User’s Guide> 79FONT SUBSTITUTIONThis advanced feature allows you to substitute printer fonts forTrueType fonts. This may be useful if you have a documentformatted with a font that is not installed on your system, but thefont is built in to the printer.When using Font Substitution, the general layout of a documentdoes not change, but accurate font design is lost. For this reason,Font Substitution is generally not recommended as it becomes verydifficult to predict the appearance of your document when printed,since there is no way of previewing how the document will print withthese substituted fonts.Notes1. If your software application uses a proprietary printer driver, FontSubstitution may not work.2. Not all TrueType fonts can be replaced with printer fonts.Tip: You can print a sample of each of the printer's built-in fontsfrom the Printer Operator Panel.HOW TO USE1. On the [Job Options] tab, click [Fonts...].2. Choose either [Download as Outline Font] or [Download asBitmap Font].3. Check the [Font Substitution] checkbox to activate fontsubstitution, or clear it to deactivate this function.The TrueType and Printer Font panes list the fonts on yoursystem and which fonts will be substituted for them on theprinter. If you click on one of the TrueType fonts in the list, itsassociated printer font will be highlighted. You can change thisif you wish by clicking on a different printer font. Click[Default] to restore the default settings.4. Click [OK] to confirm your changes.