d-Color MF552/452/362/282/222 19-319.1 Cannot transmit faxes 1919 Cannot Use the Fax Function19.1 Cannot transmit faxesDescription of problem Check points RemedyCannot send faxes. Was the transmission procedurecarried out correctly?Check the transmission proce-dure and then resend the fax.Is the fax number you entered forthe destination correct?Were the address book destina-tion and program destinationregistered correctly?If you are using a destination inthe Address Book or Program,the fax number registered maybe incorrect.Print the Speed Dial list to checkwhether the numbers are regis-tered correctly. For the proce-dure for printing the list ofdestinations, refer to pagepage 18-6.Is the telephone line setting cor-rect?Does the setting in [Dialing Meth-od] match the telephone line be-ing used?Check the setting and correct it ifan error is found.For the dialing method setting,refer to page 19-5.Also, is the correct telephone linespecified in [Select Line]?Check that the line registered inthe address book and the line setat the time of fax transmissionare correct.Is the modular cable connectedcorrectly?Is the modular cable connected?Check the modular cable con-nection and, if unplugged, plug itin securely.Also, is the line specified in [Se-lect Line] correctly connected?Check the connection of the lineyou have specified.Is there a problem with the re-ceiving machine?Is the power of the receiving fac-simile turned off, is it out of paperor is there another problem?Call the recipient to determinewhether there is a problem.If it is a password TX job, haveyou sent the correct password?Check the recipient's passwordthen resend the fax using a cor-rect password.Was the sender's fax numbercorrectly registered with "CheckDest. & Send"?Check that the fax number regis-tered with the recipient is cor-rect.Or set [Check Dest. & Send] to[No], and then send a fax.For details on the setting of[Check Dest. & Send], refer topage 19-6.