Menu operationsEN 31This function lets you select a frame, integrate the frame with an image, and save it as a newpicture.• Select a frame with 43 and press e.• Select the picture to be integrated with the frame with 43, andpress e. (Press 12 to turn the picture 90 degreesclockwise or 90 degrees counterclockwise.)• Press the arrow pad and the zoom button to adjust the positionand size of the picture, and press e.This function lets you select a label, integrate the label with an image, and save it as a newpicture.• Select the picture with 43, and press e.• Select the label with 43, and press e. (Press 12 to turnthe label 90 degrees clockwise or 90 degrees counterclockwise.)• Press the arrow pad and the zoom button to adjust the positionand size of the label, and press e.• Set the color of the label with the arrow pad, and press e.This function lets you select a calendar format, integrate the calendar with a picture, and saveit as a new file.• Select the picture with 43, and press e.• Select the calendar with 43, and press e. (Press 12 toturn the picture 90 degrees clockwise or 90 degreescounterclockwise.)• Set the date of the calendar, and press e.• Use 43 to select a layout pattern and press e.• Select the image selection method and press e.• Select the picture and press e. (When [SEL. IMAGE] is selected,press 12 to turn the picture 90 degrees clockwise or 90 degreescounterclockwise.)FRAME ..................................................................................................Adding frames to picturesLABEL .................................................................................................. Add a label to your pictureCALENDAR ..................................................................... Create a calendar print with a pictureLAYOUT ................................................................. Arranging and integrating multiple picturesALL IMAGES Arranges and integrates all pictures saved in the card.CALENDAR Selects pictures stored on a day from the calendar displayed to arrange andintegrate.SEL. IMAGE Selects pictures individually to arrange and integrate.OKWO T SETMOVEFRAMEOKSETLABELOKSETCALENDAROKSETMENUBACKLAYOUTALL IMAGESCALENDARSEL. IMAGE