EN 17Menu operationsMenu operationsPress m to display the top menu on the monitor.• The contents displayed on the top menu differ according to the mode.• Select [CAMERA MENU], [PLAYBACK MENU], [EDIT], [ERASE], or [SETUP], and press . The screenfor selecting the menu item is then displayed.• When the mode dial is set to R and the settings are made by following the shooting guide, press mto display the shooting guide screen.During menu operations, the buttons and their respective functions are displayed at the bottom of the screen.Follow these guides to navigate the menus.About the menusOperation guidem buttonArrow pad (ONXY)K button (Shooting mode)q button (Playback mode)OKMENURESETSILENTMODESETEXITRESETSILENTMODECAMERACAMERAMENUMENUIMAGEIMAGEQUALITYQUALITYSCENESCENESETUPSETUPSETUPOKMENU132MEMORY FORMATNOPIXEL MAPPINGENGLISHBACKUPSETUPSETBACKTop menu(Still picture shooting mode)SETUP menu itemsOKMENURESETSILENTMODESETEXITRESETSILENTMODECAMERACAMERAMENUMENUIMAGEIMAGEQUALITYQUALITYSCENESCENESETUPSETUPSETUPOperationguide mbutton Arrow pad(ONXY): Moves back one menu.: Exits the menu.: Press the arrow pad (ONXY) to select an item.: Sets the selected item.MENUBACKMENUEXITOKSET